๐ŸŽฉGame Overview

Wanderworld: Cyber Clash is a digital trading card game where players engage in tactical battles using decks composed of three types of cards: Attack, Influence, and Boost. Each card type is strategically designed uniquely impact the gameโ€™s dynamics. To win the day in Cyber Clash, players must continuously adapt their tactics to effectively counter their opponent's moves.

Victory in Cyber Clash can be achieved in two ways: either by obtaining the highest influence score over 10 rounds or by depleting the opponent's three shields. Each path to victory offers different rewards, encouraging players to adopt diverse strategies and play styles.

Here's the instruction set rephrased in plain language for easier understanding:

Before the Battle

  1. Choose Your Cards:

    • Pick 12 cards to use in the battle. These can be Neutral cards or cards that match your Wanderbotโ€™s Power Core. Select them in the order you want to play them (Top to bottom). This is important for using your Boosts and cards wisely.

During the Battle

  1. Turns:

    • The battle happens over 10 turns.

  2. Starting Setup:

    • You begin with 3 cards visible from the 12 you picked before the battle.

  3. Using Cards:

    • Each turn, you can play one Attack, Boost, or Influence card.

    • You can also use one of these card types as a Boost for your Wanderbot once per turn. Influence card = 1 Intelligence. Attack Card = 1 power. Boost card = 1 to shield.

  4. Getting New Cards:

    • Every time you use a card, a new one is drawn from your 12 cards to replace it.

  5. Playing Cards:

    • Drag and drop your cards onto the battlefield.

    • Attack Cards: These damage your opponentโ€™s shields.

    • Boost Cards: These improve your Wanderbotโ€™s stats, like Power, Intelligence, or Shields.

    • Influence Cards: These increase your Influence score.

  6. Card Queue:

    • The last three cards you played stay visible above your Wanderbot.

  7. Battle Rounds:

    • At the start of each round, you draw up to 3 cards. If you already have 3 or more cards, you only draw 1.

    • During your turn, you can:

      • Self Boost: Discard a card to give your Wanderbot more Power, Intelligence, or Shields.

      • Play a Card: Choose a card to use in this round.

      • End Turn: Finish your turn after making your choices. You can also end your turn without doing anything.

  8. Battle Phase:

    • Both players show the cards theyโ€™ve chosen. If you have enough resources, the card gets activated. Only 3 cards are visible at a time.

    • At the end of the round, any ongoing effects like damage happen, and their duration shortens. If no one wins, the next round starts with the player opposite of who took the last turn before the last round ended.

After the Battle

  1. Finishing the Turns:

    • The battle ends after 10 turns.

  2. Figuring Out the Winner:

    • The effects of all the cards played and any extra boosts are added up to decide who wins.

    • You can win in three ways:

      • Highest Influence: If the game goes all 10 rounds, the player with the most Influence points wins.

      • No Shields Left: If you lose all 3 of your shields, you lose immediately.

      • Big Influence Lead: If you get 50 more Influence points than your opponent, you win right away.

The objective of the game is twofold: players can win by either amassing the highest influence score by the end of 10 rounds or by depleting their opponentโ€™s three shields . This dual-path to victory requires players to adapt their tactics based on the flow of the game and the evolving conditions on the battlefield.

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